Sunday, April 19, 2015

Artist illustrates the women of Don Draper's romantic past


If you really want to get to know Don Draper, take a look at the women he hooks up with.

Artist and Mad Men fan Hannah Choi illustrates the many women Don has been romantically entangled with over the last seven years of AMC's hit show.

"I became curious to see all the differences between the women through my illustrative style. I figured it would be a fun project and also pay homage to the fashion of that time period. Or maybe even try to figure out if there was a reason behind all his promiscuity," Choi told Mashable.

On Choi's website, she describes the series simply, maybe even Draper-esque, as "all the women Don Draper ever slept with." However, she warns that die hards out there should take her illustrations with a grain of salt. "I took some liberties with this because some hook-ups were implied and others were simply already known," she said. Read more...

More about Pics, Art, Mad Men, Watercooler, and Conversations

from Mashable


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