Monday, April 20, 2015

5 things you could do on 420, if marijuana were legal in your state


As it stands, only three states in the U.S. allow for the legal recreational use of marijuana. That means that the other 47 states are going to have to spend their 420 a little, well, high and dry.

If you don't live in Colorado, Washington or Alaska (or D.C.), and weren't feeling pangs of FOMO already, here are five things you could be doing to celebrate this unofficial stoner holiday, if your state legalized marijuana. (Oregonians, you can save these ideas for when recreational marijuana is legal on the next 420.)

1. Visit a fancy cannabis grow house

One of the leading companies in Colorado's emerging marijuana market is Silverpeak Apothecary, whose High Valley Farm has some of the most beautiful cannabis plants you will ever see. Besides the impeccably clean conditions, High Valley Farm is dedicated to upholding state regulations on cannabis growing. "The big thing about compliance is, we're into it. We support it," says Mike Woods, COO of Silverpeak Apothecary. "If Colorado trips, it's a setback." Read more...

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from Mashable

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