Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Protests As Baltimore Police Release Names Of Cops Suspended Over Freddie Gray's Death

Six officers have been suspended without pay while officials investigate the death of Freddie Gray. Hundreds of people marched on a Baltimore police station Tuesday evening.

Hundreds of protesters marched on a Baltimore police station on Tuesday evening, demanding justice for a man who died on Sunday from spinal injuries suffered during an arrest.

Hundreds of protesters marched on a Baltimore police station on Tuesday evening, demanding justice for a man who died on Sunday from spinal injuries suffered during an arrest.

Patrick Semansky / AP

However, according to police, when Gray was unloaded from the van he was unconscious, having suffered spinal injuries that put him in a coma and ultimately killed him one week later.

The Justice Department announced Tuesday it would conduct its own investigation into the death, but Baltimore police have said none of the officers involved in his arrest described using force or putting a knee on Gray's back.

On Tuesday, Baltimore police released to the media the names of the six officers suspended without pay while Gray's death is investigated.

On Tuesday, Baltimore police released to the media the names of the six officers suspended without pay while Gray's death is investigated.

Members of the Baltimore Police Department stand behind barriers outside of the Western District police station during a march for Freddie Gray on Tuesday.

Patrick Semansky / AP

Those named included Lt. Brian Rice, 41, a member of the Baltimore police since 1997; Officer Caesar Goodson, 45, a member since 1999; and Sgt. Alicia White, 30, a member since 2010.

Also named were three officers who joined the Baltimore Police Department in 2012: Officer Edward Nero, 29; Officer William Porter, 25; and Officer Garrett Miller, 26.

Baltimore Police Department spokesman Capt. Eric Kowalczyk told CNN that it was standard practice to name officers involved after a death in custody.

According to the Guardian, Rice was the officer who led the initial chase. The newspaper reported Wednesday that the officer was accused of domestic violence in 2008 and 2013.

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

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