Monday, April 20, 2015

The cookstove that could save 4 million lives per year


Growing up, Phil Ferranto never thought about how people cooked around the world. He took it for granted, like many of us do, thinking most people had access to some type of stove to feed their families.

"I was really ignorant to the fact that billions of people around the world were cooking on an open fire," Ferranto says, adding how dangerous and inefficient such a setup can be.

But in April 2011, he cofounded EcoZoom, a social enterprise dedicated to bringing sustainable products into homes in developing countries. Its flagship products are clean cookstoves, which burn fuel more efficiently, saving users money on energy costs. Even more importantly, they reduce the unsafe amounts of smoke that open fires drive into people's homes, and make them less vulnerable to burns. Read more...

More about Features, Business, Sustainability, Innovation, and Social Good

from Mashable

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