Sunday, April 19, 2015

Marco Rubio doubts manmade global warming, says 'climate is always changing'


Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, who announced his presidential candidacy last week, told Bob Schieffer of CBS News on Sunday that he does not believe in manmade global warming. Instead, Rubio said he recognizes the climate is changing, but that scientists have not determined what percentage of such changes are due to human activities, such as burning coal, oil and gas for energy, compared to natural climate variability.

Unfortunately for Rubio, scientists have been quite clear that the majority of warming during the past few decades is due to manmade global warming.

In an appearance on CBS' Face the Nation, Rubio said that if the government implements policies such as a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade system to cut greenhouse gas emissions, it would be "devastating" for the economy, and scientists can't say precisely what the climate benefits would be Read more...

More about China, Climate Change, Obama, Global Warming, and Marco Rubio

from Mashable


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