Monday, April 6, 2015

Meeting Mario: An insider's perspective on working at Nintendo


This question originally appeared on Quora.

What is it like to work at Nintendo?

Answer below by Nathaniel Guy, amateur video game historian and former Nintendo employee.

I worked at Nintendo of America in Redmond, [Washington], so I can only speak about my experience at that specific site. Also, the culture differs somewhat from department to department. But I can give some general characteristics that probably apply throughout the company.

  • Good benefits. There's good health care and dental care, generous bonuses, relatively high salaries and a work-life balance that is extremely nice given the all-too-common overtime in the rest of the game industry. In general, I think the average employee at Nintendo has been there for eight years or so, which is extremely long considering the high turnover rate of the industry.

  • It's one big family. Departments interact with one another a lot, and by the time I left the company I had literally more than a hundred friends there across various departments. Leaving the company was a very sentimental experience for me. Read more...

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