Sunday, April 19, 2015

BuzzFeed admits deleting 3 articles due to 'advertising complaints'


BuzzFeed has deleted more posts than some smaller websites likely publish in an entire year

The online publisher revealed the results of an internal review this week, which found that it has deleted 1,112 posts for reasons ranging from technical errors (263 deleted posts) to duplicated work (122 deleted posts) and copyright issues (65 deleted posts). Yet, it's the smallest number that is attracting the most controversy: three. That's how many posts BuzzFeed admits it deleted over "advertiser complaints."

The internal review's findings again spotlight the issue of how a young publication for all things viral — one with arguably a lower bar for publishing and un-publishing content — transitions to becoming a true news organization, including all the editorial standards that brings. It also raises the question of how online publishers navigate relationships with advertisers, which form the bulk of their revenue. Read more...

More about Media, Business, and Buzzfeed

from Mashable


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