Tuesday, January 19, 2016

You'll Be Able To See Five Planets If You Wake Up Early Enough For The Next Month

Look up.

Stargazers, you're in for a treat. ??

Stargazers, you're in for a treat. ??

Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Saturn as seen from Lake Michigan in 2002.

Anttler/Flickr / Via Flickr: 10665384@N05

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter will all be visible in the pre-dawn sky — something that hasn't happened for over a decade.

"The last time this happened was about 11 years ago," J. Kelly Beatty, a senior editor for Sky and Telescope magazine, told BuzzFeed News. "Back then it was even rarer as all the planets lined up in order. This time Saturn is out of position. I guess it didn't get the memo."

Here's a little preview of what to look for, courtesy of Sky and Telescope magazine.

Here's a little preview of what to look for, courtesy of Sky and Telescope magazine.

Sky and Telescope Magazine / Via skyandtelescope.com

(As the planet closest to the sun, it can often get lost in the glare of sunrise and sunset).

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

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