Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Oregon Militia Wants You To Stop Sending Them Dildos, Thank You Very Much

Alright, which one of you wise guys sent them a bag of dicks?!

Jon Ritzheimer, a member of the militia that's occupied a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon since Jan. 2, posted this video to Facebook on Monday, kindly asking people to stop sending him and his buddies dildos and other penis-related goods.

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"They spend and waste their money on all this hateful stuff to send out here to us, and buy this ridiculous stuff," he says, holding a long, presumably double-headed dildo. "It's really ridiculous."

"They spend and waste their money on all this hateful stuff to send out here to us, and buy this ridiculous stuff," he says, holding a long, presumably double-headed dildo. "It's really ridiculous."

Facebook: scrappyphx.rider

Someone even sent the boys a bag of dicks.

Someone even sent the boys a bag of dicks.

Facebook: scrappyphx.rider

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

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