Wednesday, December 23, 2015

French Terror Suspect Kills Himself In Prison

Philippe Desmazes / AFP / Getty Images

A French terror suspect who decapitated his boss and took a selfie with the head committed suicide in prison Tuesday.

Yassin Salhi, 35, was awaiting trial for the June 26 attack at the Air Products factory in the town of Saint-Quentin-Fallavier in which he was said to have murdered his employer, Hervé Cornara, before cutting off the man's head and hanging it from a fence with two Muslim flags.

Prosecutors said he then snapped photographs with the head which he sent to fighters in Syria, before trying to blow up the factory by driving his car at gas cylinders.

Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said at the time that Salhi had been under surveillance by authorities between 2006 and 2008 for possible radicalization.

Salhi hung himself Tuesday using his bedsheets while in solitary confinement in the Fleury-Merogis prison, south of Paris, according to Le Monde.

He had been awaiting trial on charges of “murder as part of a terrorist operation, kidnapping and imprisoning with a view to murder, willful destruction and violence,” according to the Guardian.

LINK: Man Decapitated In Eastern France Attack Was Suspect’s Boss

SOURCE: BuzzFeed

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