Wednesday, December 23, 2015

A School Lunch Lady Was Fired For Giving A Student A Free Meal

“I know I screwed up, but what are you supposed to do when the kid tells you that they’re hungry and they don’t have any money.”

This is Dalene Bowden, who lives in Pocatello, Idaho.

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Up until last week, Bowden worked as a lunch lady at the Irving Middle School cafeteria.

Up until last week, Bowden worked as a lunch lady at the Irving Middle School cafeteria.

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But she said her supervisor saw her give the child a free lunch, worth $1.70, and immediately reported her.

She said she offered to pay for the lunch herself, but was placed on leave.

A few days later she received the following letter from the local school district informing her she had been fired for "theft/stealing school, and inaccurate, transactions when ordering, receiving, and serving food."

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

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