Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Video Shows U.S. Launching First Airstrikes On ISIS Oil Trucks


Coalition forces on Wednesday released video of U.S. airstrikes that destroyed 116 ISIS fuel tanker trucks on the Iraq-Syria border. The attack marked the first time American warplanes have carried out strikes on oil trucks used by the terror group.

Officials said the airstrikes took place early Sunday in Abu Kamal. Multiple aircraft were involved in the bombing of the trucks, which were backed up in the area following a previous strike against a refinery.

Before the strike, officials said they dropped leaflets to warn civilians in the area.

Last month, the Associated Press reported that ISIS earns about $50 million a month selling crude oil — its largest single, steady source of income.

According to a U.S. military spokesman, this weekend's strikes were part of a larger operation that had targeted about two-thirds of ISIS' oil production capabilities.

The Russian military additionally said on Wednesday it had destroyed 500 oil trucks, RT reported.

SOURCE: BuzzFeed

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