Monday, November 9, 2015

Cause Of Chipotle-Linked E. Coli Outbreak Still Not Found

Elaine Thompson / AP

Washington health officials said Monday they haven't determined what caused an E. coli outbreak last month, and the source of the bacteria may not be identified at all.

Forty-two people in Washington and Oregon became sick, with most of them having eaten at a Chipotle restaurant between Oct. 14 and Oct. 24. Fourteen people became ill enough to require hospitalization.

The company closed all its stores in the area in response "out of an abundance of caution."

But in spite of testing food samples, health officials have not found what may have caused the outbreak. That may be because all of the contaminated food was eaten before the samples were taken, officials said.

Stores in Washington are now preparing to reopen, the Washington State Department of Health said. Before they do, they must dispose of all their food, sanitize the facility, and bring in new food. Certain "high-risk" foods must be tested before being served, and fresh produce must be rinsed and sanitized.

County food safety inspectors will visit each resident to verify the new safeguards are in place, officials said.

In Oregon, two more cases of E. coli were found since last week.

LINK: Why Is Chipotle Having So Many Food Safety Issues?

LINK: Nearly 40 People May Now Have Contracted E. Coli At Chipotle

SOURCE: BuzzFeed

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