Monday, November 30, 2015

Planned Parenthood Shooting Suspect Due To Make First Court Appearance

Robert Lewis Dear is suspected of killing three people and wounding nine others in an attack on a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic on Friday.

COLORADO SPRINGS — With flags on public buildings here flying at half-mast in memory of the three peopled killed Friday during a shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic, the suspected gunman was due to make his first court appearance on Monday afternoon.

Robert Lewis Dear was slated to appear at the hearing, which was due to begin at 1:30 p.m local time, via video link to be formally advised of his rights. He remained physically in the El Paso County jail next door, where he had been held on no bond since the five-hour standoff and shooting, which also left nine others injured.

Charges were not expected to be filed on Monday, with prosecutors having 10 days from the date of the attack to formally bring charges against Dear.

BuzzFeed News was one of a handful of media outlets to gain a seat in the crowded courtroom, after officials were forced to organize a lottery to determine which of the many reporters who have traveled to Colorado Springs since the attack could be placed in the limited seating.

The hearing marks what may be the beginning of a lengthy court process. If he is charged with first-degree murder, as expected, Dear will be eligible for the death penalty — though prosecutors have not yet said whether they will seek it.

Earlier on Monday, prosecutors successfully sought to have search and arrest warrants in the case placed under seal, arguing it could "jeopardize the continuing investigation, apprehension of suspect(s), and subsequent prosecution of the same."

However, unnamed officials close to the investigation have told multiple media outlets that Dear mentioned "no more baby parts" as he was taken into custody.

The FBI and federal prosecutors have also been investigating the shooting, though a member of the US Attorney's office said on Saturday their primary focus has been assisting local efforts.

The shooting has been called an act of terrorism by some, including Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper. Federal officials have not yet said whether they will seek terrorism-related charges.

LINK: Colorado Springs Searches For Answers, Healing After Planned Parenthood Shooting

LINK: Community Crisis Center Offers Colorado Springs A Place To Heal

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

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