Saturday, June 13, 2015

Gunman Who Attacked Dallas Police Headquarters Believed Dead

The man was cornered by police in a Dallas suburb, to where he fled following a shootout outside the city police headquarters in the early hours of Saturday.

Tony Gutierrez / AP

Dallas police shot a man who was cornered inside a van feared to be packed with explosives, following hours of negotiations on Saturday.

By 10 a.m. local time, police were approaching the vehicle and working to neutralize any explosives inside. The man's death had not been confirmed, but police said they believed he was dead.

Hours earlier the suspect, who has not been officially identified, was involved in a shooting targeted at the Dallas Police Headquarters. Following the attack, he fled the scene.

A car chase ensued until he stopped at a parking lot in the suburb of Hutchins. There, hours of protracted negotiations between police and the fugitive, who claimed to have explosive devices on him, took place.

Following his shooting by a police sniper, the suspect's health condition is not yet certain, but at a news conference on Saturday, Dallas Police Chief David Brown said he was not taking any chances.

"We're not going to send our officers up to that van until we're sure it's not rigged with explosive," Brown said.

The man's motives are not exactly clear but earlier reports said he blamed the police for losing custody of his kids and for accusing him of being a terrorist.

At the news conference on Saturday, however, Brown said authorities were unsure of his motives.

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

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