Monday, February 29, 2016

Ted Cruz Calls On Trump To Release Secret New York Times Interview

Mike Stone / Reuters

Ted Cruz on Monday called for Donald Trump and the New York Times to release tape of an off-the-record interview the billionaire businessman conducted with the newspaper on his immigration views.

Cruz's comments came after BuzzFeed News revealed the newspaper is sitting on tape of Trump that some staffers believe could deal a massive blow to the candidate's campaign for president. The interview conducted on Jan. 5 included an off-the-record segment in which sources said Trump revealed a degree of flexibility in his otherwise hardline stance on immigration.

The New York Times would not comment on the interview.

Speaking to reporters in San Antonio, Texas, Ted Cruz called for the tape to be made public.

"Apparently there is a secret tape that the New York Times editorial board has of Donald Trump saying that he doesn't believe what he's saying on immigration, saying that all of his promises to secure the border are not real and if he's president he doesn't intend to do what he said," Cruz said.

"I call on Donald: ask the New York Times to release the tape and do so today before the Super Tuesday primary," Cruz said.

The Texas senator, who is trailing Trump in the polls despite an early win in Iowa, said releasing the tapes would clear up whether, in fact, Trump made the comments.

"If Donald didn't say that to the New York Times then he deserves to have that cleared up and releasing the tape can clear it up," Cruz said.

"The alternative is that it is true."

BuzzFeed News has contacted the Trump campaign for comment.

LINK: Donald Trump Secretly Told The New York Times What He Really Thinks About Immigration

SOURCE: BuzzFeed

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