Saturday, February 13, 2016

Ai Weiwei Has Made A Stunning Art Project About Refugees In Germany

The Chinese artist wrapped the columns of a Berlin concert hall in life vests used by desperate refugees trying to reach European shores.

For months, China's most acclaimed contemporary artist, Ai Weiwei, has been working on the Greek islands that are the arrival point for thousands of refugees that have poured into Europe over the past year.

For months, China's most acclaimed contemporary artist, Ai Weiwei, has been working on the Greek islands that are the arrival point for thousands of refugees that have poured into Europe over the past year.

Santi Palacios / AP

On Saturday, the artist unveiled a new work dealing with the refugee crisis. His team wrapped the columns of the Berlin Concert Hall in life vests used by migrants who went on the perilous journey across the Mediterranean.

On Saturday, the artist unveiled a new work dealing with the refugee crisis. His team wrapped the columns of the Berlin Concert Hall in life vests used by migrants who went on the perilous journey across the Mediterranean.

Markus Schreiber / AP

Those who succeed often leave behind the life vests they used to make the crossing. Many are mass-produced in Turkey and are often defective.

Those who succeed often leave behind the life vests they used to make the crossing. Many are mass-produced in Turkey and are often defective.

Bradley Secker

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

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