Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Teens Are Taking Photos Of Themselves Licking Donuts Out Of Solidarity With Ariana Grande

“If she licks we ALL LICK with her.”

Just when you thought the best story of the year was licked, Doughnut-Gate continues.

Just when you thought the best story of the year was licked, Doughnut-Gate continues.

TMZ / Via youtube.com

The owner of the California doughnut shop where Ariana Grande was filmed secretly licking doughnuts and saying that she hates America said Tuesday that he has pressed charges against the pop star.

The owner of the California doughnut shop where Ariana Grande was filmed secretly licking doughnuts and saying that she hates America said Tuesday that he has pressed charges against the pop star.

Media attention from the incident caused health inspectors to visit Wolfee Donuts and downgrade its sanitation rating from "A" to "B."

“I think she should be pressed with charges,” doughnut shop owner Joe Marin told a Toronto radio show on Tuesday. “Just because she’s popular… If it was one of us like a regular customer, [police] would do something about it."

TMZ / Via youtube.com

Despite issuing two apologies, police have been investigating Grande over the "malicious licking."


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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

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