Wednesday, October 21, 2015

A Major Earthquake Is Probably Hitting Los Angeles In The Next Few Years

Students take cover under desks as they participate in the "Great California ShakeOut" earthquake drill.

Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

Using GPS and aircraft radar to measure stress in tectonic fault lines, NASA scientists have calculated that there is a 99% chance of a 5.0 or greater earthquake hitting Los Angeles within the next 2 1/2 years.

An earthquake that size is considered moderate, but depending on where it struck, the shaking could cause millions in damage to buildings and infrastructure, and even kill.

The paper, written by scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, and published in Earth and Space Science, examined the Orange County town of La Habra, where a 5.1-magnitude quake in 2014 caused about $12 million damage. A 6.1 quake near Napa, California, in 2015 left one person dead, as many as 200 injured, and caused an estimated $300 million in damage.

According to the authors, changes on the surface of the earth can help predict what's going on with faults below its surface. For example, researchers looked at displacements on the surface before and after the 2014 La Habra earthquake. Their findings suggested another similarly sized — or larger — earthquake would take place somewhere within the L.A. region's intricate fault system soon.

The paper sparked concern among Southern California residents, as well as a skeptical response from the U.S. Geological Survey, which noted that NASA paper fails to explain how the 99% probability was calculated.

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The USGS' own seismic hazard map puts the probability of an earthquake in the same region within three years to be 85%.

Andrea Donnellan, the NASA paper's lead author, told KPCC that her team looked at the number of magnitude 5.0 earthquakes over the last 81 years.

“So if you just look at that on average, it's about an earthquake every three years," Donnellan told station.

Broken bottles are seen on the floor after falling off the shelves at a CVS pharmacy, following a magnitude 5.1 earthquake near La Habra, California on March 29, 2014.

Gene Blevins / Reuters

The USGS' 85% probability was the result of input from hundreds of scientists working toward a consensus using multiple models, said Lucy Jones, a USGS seismologist. The USGS hazard assessment is then used by government agencies in their emergency planning.

"It's a way to try and incorporate a range of scientific understanding and get the best assessment," she told BuzzFeed News.

The probability of 85% means a 5.0 earthquake every few years, Jones explained. Some of them could cause damage, while others might be barely felt by most Southern California residents.

A probability of 99.9%, however, would suggest a 5.0 earthquake every few months, a rate that doesn't fit with historical observations, Jones said.

According to a USGS statement, the earthquake rate implied by the 99.9% probability is "significantly higher than observed at any time previously in Southern California."

The lack of details on the method of analysis by the NASA scientists, the USGS added, "makes a critical assessment of this approach very difficult" and does not change its earlier finding of an 85% probability.

Simply put, it's true that California regularly sees earthquakes, Jones said, but one paper shouldn't cause panic.

"We have a lot of earthquakes, and we need to prepare for them," she said.

SOURCE: BuzzFeed

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