Monday, March 30, 2015

Probing the whole Internet — in under an hour — for major security flaws


When a major flaw in the encryption that secures websites was revealed this March, Zakir Durumeric, a research fellow at the University of Michigan, was the first person to know how serious it was. By performing a scan of every device on the Internet he realized its full potential, before even the researchers who had first identified the flaw, known as FREAK.

"There were questions as to the correct way to respond before we did the scan," says Durumeric.

Afterwards there weren't. The scan showed that more than 5 million sites were affected, including those operated by the FBI, Apple, and Google. Facebook's like button, a fixture on many popular sites, was also vulnerable. The results prompted an urgent, careful effort to inform key companies and organizations before the problem was announced publicly. Read more...

More about Software, Website Monitoring, Internet Security, Encryption, and Tech

from Mashable


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