Saturday, February 28, 2015

William Shatner Won't Be Able To Attend Leonard Nimoy's Funeral

“I feel really awful,” said the actor, who has charity work commitments.

Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner, pictured on Aug. 19, 2006.

Ethan Miller / Getty Images

"I loved him like a brother. We will all miss his humor, his talent, and his capacity to love," Shatner said on Twitter.

Nimoy, famous for playing the Vulcan Mr. Spock, died Friday from end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease at the age of 83.

"I am so humbled by the worldwide outpouring of love that has been displayed; words cannot express my feelings," Shatner wrote.

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

Released Emails Show Slow Radicalization Of "Jihadi John"

The ISIS militant, identified as Mohammed Emwazi, wrote of his increasing frustration with security officials years before he would become the infamous masked executioner.

REUTERS/SITE Intel Group/Handout via Reuters

Emwazi, a 26-year-old Kuwaiti-born man raised in London, wrote emails over several years complaining of his "tyrannical" treatment by the British government to CAGE, an advocacy group that campaigns against the ill-treatment of Muslims under anti-terror laws.

On Saturday, the group released what it said were its email communications with Emwazi between 2009 and 2012. Selections of the emails were reported by BuzzFeed News on Friday, after being first covered by Channel 4 News.

"They document his persistence in accessing due process through legal, political, diplomatic, and other channels over the entire period until our last contact with him in January 2012," CAGE said on its website.

Emwazi was questioned by security services in 2010 after returning to the U.K. from what he said was a safari in Tanzania.

In an email dated June 3, 2010, Emwazi, using the name "Mohammed Al-Zuhary", emailed CAGE, detailing how he had been stopped at London's Heathrow airport the day before as he tried to travel to Kuwait:

"One of [the security officials] got aggressive with me, he pushed me to the wall and started 'gripsing' onto the wall, I was just baffled I did not know why he had done that and after this long 6hour interview, fingerprinting and searching. When I asked for their names they said 'We don't give out our names'."

Emwazi later wrote the officer had pushed him against the wall in a room without security cameras because he had tried to use his cell phone during the interview. He said the officer only relented when he realized Emwazi was having difficulty breathing.

CAGE encouraged him to file formal complaints against the officer, which Emwazi said he did.

In a subsequent email detailing the same June 2, 2010, interrogation, Emwazi complained of one security officer's treatment of the Qur'an.

"One random officer wearing an Indian turban... reached out for the Holy Quran and put it on the floor & I asked him to put it onto the chair rather than on the floor. He started to get aggressive, changing his tone of voice. He said 'I've put it onto the chair now, so just shutup' and I replied 'You shutup'. He stood up aggressively and came into me face, pushing me back onto the floor. At that point I told the other officers that I was not going to answer any-more questions until this aggressive and angry person that has hate for me for no reason, got out of the room. He later stood outside"

When he tried to travel again to Kuwait on June 3, he was told that Kuwaiti officials were not permitted to grant him a visa.

"I had a job waiting for me and a marriage to get started. But know [sic] I feel like a prisoner, only not in a cage, in London. A person in-prisoned [sic] & controlled by security service men, stopping me from living my new life in my birthplace, & my country, Kuwait."

In a subsequent email dated 21 June, 2010, Emwazi wrote that "friends in Kuwait" had informed me his visa had been cancelled because of pressure from British "agents."

A CAGE representative responded:

This looks clear blackmail by the security services. They seem to be punishing you for refusing to co-operate. I would advise that you bring this to the attention of your MP and liase with a sympathetic journalist.

In ISIS videos, Jihadi John has been shown beheading a number of reporters, including James Foley, Steven Sotloff, and Kenji Goto.

In an email dated Sept. 23, 2010, Emwazi wrote to CAGE that he had learned of the "upsetting news regarding our sister Aafia Siddiqui." "Lady al-Qaeda," as Siddiqui has been dubbed, is serving an 86-year prison sentence in Texas after being convicted in 2010 of plotting to kill Americans.

"This should only keep us firmer towards fighting for freedom & justice!!!" he wrote of Siddiqui. "Please my dear brothers, keep up your work. So that you can say on the Day of Judgement 'This is what I done for Aafia Saddiqui [sic]." The response from CAGE has been blacked out.

On Nov. 30, 2010, Emwazi wrote that he was thankful for CAGE's assistance:

"I also hope that both our efforts, put an end of the oppression that so often happens under the hands of those that believe they are above the law, taking advantage of the "'Police uniform', acting like 'Robocop', rather than civilized humans.... May Allah get rid of the oppressors i.e. security agents"

On Jan. 13, 2011, Emwazi discussed his plans to meet with his local member of parliament to seek out a letter of support that he was "no terrorist" and had no criminal record.

The emails continue for another year or so, as Emwazi continues to seek advice on ways to travel to Kuwait.

In the last email released by CAGE, dated Jan. 13, 2014, representative Asim Qureshi emails Emwazi, more than two years after the group's last apparent exchange with him.

"I was wondering if you could send me your number," Qureshi writes. "...It will be good to catch up and speak to you about a matter that has come up for me."

There is no apparent response from Emwazi.

Just months later, in August, a video emerged of Jihadi John beheading James Foley in the desert.

Read the CAGE emails here:

Read the CAGE emails here:

CAGE / Via

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

An Astronaut Gave An Out-Of-This-World Tribute To Leonard Nimoy

Live long and prosper.

Star Trek fans are still in mourning for Leonard Nimoy, the actor famous for his role as Spock, who died on Friday at the age of 83.

Star Trek fans are still in mourning for Leonard Nimoy, the actor famous for his role as Spock, who died on Friday at the age of 83.

ROBYN BECK/AFP / Getty Images

The beloved sci-fi character was known by the Vulcan "live long and prosper" hand gesture.

The beloved sci-fi character was known by the Vulcan "live long and prosper" hand gesture.

Paramount/Courtesy Everett Collection

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

Baghdad Museum Reopens 12 Years After Iraq War Looting

But the opening came as ISIS militants destroyed ancient statues in the Iraqi city of Mosul.

The national museum in Baghdad reopened Saturday, 12 years after thousands of antiquities were plundered during the early days of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.

The national museum in Baghdad reopened Saturday, 12 years after thousands of antiquities were plundered during the early days of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.

REUTERS/Khalid al-Mousily

Museum officials said almost 15,000 pieces were looted in 2003, according to Agence France-Presse.

Officials have been able to recover 4,300 works, but are continuing efforts to track down the remaining antiquities.

"We are still tracking down more than 10,000 artifacts in markets and auctions. What we got back were the most important," Qais Hussein Rashid, Iraq's deputy tourism and antiquities minister, told AFP.

ABAH ARAR/AFP / Getty Images

"Today the message is clear from Baghdad, from the land of Mesopotamia," Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said at the ribbon-cutting ceremony. "We will preserve civilization and we will track down those who want to destroy it."

"Today the message is clear from Baghdad, from the land of Mesopotamia," Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said at the ribbon-cutting ceremony. "We will preserve civilization and we will track down those who want to destroy it."

SABAH ARAR/AFP / Getty Images

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

Vladimir Putin Pledges To Punish The Killers Of Slain Russian Opposition Leader

Boris Nemtsov, one of the loudest critics of President Vladimir Putin, was shot dead just outside the Kremlin on Friday.

In a telegram shared on the website of the Russian president, Putin sent his condolences to Nemtsov's mother.

"Please accept my deepest condolences on the irreparable loss. I sincerely share the grief has befallen you," Putin said.

"Boris Nemtsov left his mark on the history of Russia, in politics and public life. He dropped out to work on important positions in the difficult transition period for our country. He always openly and honestly stated his position, defended his point of view.

"We will do everything to make sure the organizers and executors of this vile and cynical murder are punished," he said.

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

Thursday, February 26, 2015

El vestido es azul y negro, dice la chica que lo vio en persona

La banda de Caitlin McNeill’s tocó en un casamiento donde la madre de la novia vistió el vestido que ahora es tan famoso. “Todos vimos el vestido en su gloria y nos dimos cuenta que era, por supuesto, azul y negro,” le dijo a BuzzFeed News.

Se lo conoce como el vestido, y causó una trifulca intensa para familia, amigos y la Internet misma el jueves.

¿Azul o negro? ¿O blanco o dorado?

McNeill, una miembro de la banda de folk ceilidh Canach, es de Hebrides, unas islas a las afueras de Escocia. El fin de semana pasado, le pidieron a la banda que toque en el casamiento de sus amigos Grace y Keir Johnston en la isla de Colonsay.

"Soy amiga del vestido," dijo McNeill en broma.

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Una semana antes de la boda, la madre de la novia mandó una foto a la pareja, mostrándoles lo que planeaba ponerse. Ahí es cuando comenzaron los desacuerdos.

La novia y el novio no se podían decidir, si el vestido era azul y negro o blanco con dorado. Entonces publicaron la foto en Facebook.

"Nos volvimos todos locos tratando de entender por qué algunas personas lo veían blanco y dorado, mientras que otras lo veían azul y negro", dijo McNeill.

Por supuesto, en persona, McNeill dijo que obviamente era azul y negro. Pero la foto aún no tenía sentido alguno para nadie.

"Se lo mostré a mi banda... que estaba tocando en la boda conmigo, todos nos quemamos la cabeza para tratar de entender cual era el problema," dijo. "Casi no llegamos al escenario porque estábamos tan enganchados discutiendo sobre el vestido".

Al final tocaron, pese a haber discutido sobre el vestido, y la boda fue muy linda, dijo McNeill. Después, ella se olvidó de lo extraña que era la foto hasta el jueves, cuando la publicó en su Tumblr.

"Luego se volvieron totalmente locos," dijo. "Algunos amigos la twittearon, y en menos de una hora tenía cientos de miles de notas, tweets, mensajes".

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

The Dress Is Blue And Black, Says The Girl Who Saw It In Person

Caitlin McNeill’s band performed at a wedding where the mother of the bride wore the now infamous dress. “We all saw the dress in all its glory and realized it was of course blue and black,” she told BuzzFeed News.

It is known only as the dress, and it caused massive strife for families, friends and the internet on Thursday.

McNeill, a member of the ceilidh (folk band) Canach, is from the Hebrides, the islands off of Scotland. Last weekend, the band was asked to play for the wedding of her friends Grace and Keir Johnston on the island of Colonsay.

"I'm a friend of the dress," McNeill joked.

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About a week before the wedding, the mother of the bride sent a photo to the couple of what she planned to wear. That's when the first disagreements began.

The bride and groom couldn't decide if the dress was blue and black or white and gold. So they posted the photo on Facebook.

"We all went crazy trying to figure out why some people were seeing white and gold, and others saw blue and black," McNeill said.

Of course, in person, McNeill said it was obviously blue and black. But the photo still didn't make any sense to anyone.

"I showed my band...who were playing at the wedding with me, and we all fell out trying to decide what the problem was," she said. "We almost didn't make it on stage because we were so caught up discussing this dress."

They made their performance, though, and the wedding was lovely, McNeill said. She then forgot about the strangeness of the photo until Thursday, when she posted it to her Tumblr.

"Then it went absolutely mental," she said. "Some friends tweeted it, and within the hour I had tens of thousands of notes, tweets, messages."

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

This Might Explain Why That Dress Looks Blue And Black, And White And Gold

Your eyes, trying to compensate for poor lighting, are playing tricks on you.

By now, you've probably seen this dress and formed a really strong opinion about it.

White and gold? Blue and black? Literally thousands of people think they know!

White and gold? Blue and black? Literally thousands of people think they know!


You know, the people who make your TV shows look good between filming and the time they hit your screen?

According to Ben, the photo — taken with a camera phone in poor lighting — casts the whites in a blue tone and mutes the gold to a darker color.

People who see blue and black are seeing the photo at face value. People who see gold and white are compensating to the photo's lighting and aesthetic.

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

President Obama Thanked Redditors With A Handwritten Note For Fighting For Net Neutrality

According to Reddit, users left millions of comments and placed 15,000 calls to members of the FCC to lobby for an open internet.

After Thursday's victory for net neutrality, President Obama sent Redditors a thank you note for their active support.

After Thursday's victory for net neutrality, President Obama sent Redditors a thank you note for their active support.

"Thanks Redditors! Wish I could upvote every one of you for helping keep the internet open and free!"

Reddit / Via

"A year ago, they said it'd be futile," he wrote. "Today, we defeated opponents of net neutrality who have spent tens of millions of dollars every year lobbying government."

Ohanian added that millions of comments were presented to the Federal Communications Commission — a record number — after one link was posted to r/technology eight months ago. Redditors also made 15,000 calls to the FCC during a three-hour phone-a-thon.

In another message sent to the Reddit team, Obama elaborated:

"This would not have happened without the activism and engagement of millions of Americans like you. And that was a direct result of communities like reddit."

So thanks!

So thanks!

giphy / Via

LINK: The FCC Votes In Favor Of Net Neutrality

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

Acquiring Customer Responses with a Contact List

Acquiring Customer Responses with a Contact List:

Response is an indication that someone is listening. An important component for telemarketing success is the contact list. This is so important that it is considered to be the foundation of business. The list of contacts provides updated contact information of both current customers and prospects. Varying goals does not matter for they can all be achieved as long as there is a contact list. Generating fresh sales leads for a marketing campaign is executed properly with a targeted list of contacts.

Leading a large marketing campaign with an inaccurate contact list will consume so much time, energy and would turn out to be a whole lot more costly in comparison to not possessing one. The usual agenda of acquiring a contact list is to save up on resources even during a marketing campaign and in order to avoid squandering assets a strong and reliable database is needed, in order to target fresh leads.Business contact information is also one of the utmost significant assets of companies. Preserving a bank of these data will arrange for simplicity and accessibility to the activities of sales and marketing people. When data is needed, a quick search in the archives is all it needs and so sparing the trouble of gathering them. The data for telemarketing is acquired with ease and communication is needed to develop rapport. The contact list serves as the only connection between a company and their sales leads since a company does not have any connection with their prospects except with their data bank. Being a total stranger to prospects is nothing new, but how to approach them should vary in order to win their hearts and interests. The detail associated with customers and prospects are stored carefully in the data bank and so this means that one error can mean a fatal mistake of losing an important contact to a rival company. Accuracy of information is important.

The success of a telemarketing campaign depends on how the resources are being used. The best business contact list can fetch for a large price, yet it will easily earn back a bigger profit as it continues to reel in the best qualified and fresh leads.

Collecting contact information of all potential customers is one way to get the best leads. Being responsive is the main gist of why there is a need to gather data. The custom list enables a company to market to the same people repeatedly and letting them know about new products and news.

#‎EMailLists‬ ‪#‎EMailMarketingServices‬ ‪#‎EMailDatabaseList‬ ‪#‎EmailListProvider‬ ‪#‎ContactDatabase‬ ‪#‎SalesLeadsDatabase‬ ‪#‎LeadGeneration‬

SOURCE: ContactDb

Venmo's Response To Questions About Security: Not Much

The payments service, soon to be spun off from eBay along with its parent company PayPal, has taken a distinctly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ approach to a damning story about its security flaws.

Matthew Zeitlin / Via Venmo

The trendy payment app Venmo is facing perhaps the worst public relations crisis in its short history: a damning Slate article detailing Venmo's lack of basic security and notification features, which leaves its users highly vulnerable to hackers.

And its response to the crisis, at least so far, suggests the company doesn't care to discuss how it plans to fix the app's serious problems. Venmo provided no comment for the Slate story, despite reporter Alison Griswold showing up at the company's New York offices (Slate and Venmo share a building).

The story lead to a torrent of social media lamentation, with users promising to delete Venmo or at least delink their bank accounts from the app. And even this afternoon, responding to inquiry from BuzzFeed News, Venmo showed little interest in addressing the story.

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

A Politician Threw A Snowball On The Senate Floor To Try To Disprove Climate Change

As you may know, that’s not how the science works.

Sen. Jim Inhofe, a Republican from Oklahoma, has taken a number of stands against the idea that human actions are dangerously changing the climate.

Sen. Jim Inhofe, a Republican from Oklahoma, has taken a number of stands against the idea that human actions are dangerously changing the climate.

Sue Ogrocki / AP

He even wrote a book on the "hoax" and "conspiracy" of global warming.

He even wrote a book on the "hoax" and "conspiracy" of global warming.

Amazon / Via

"Do you know what this is? It's a snowball."

"Mr. President, catch this."

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

Morse Code Vs. Typewriter: Which Angry Verizon Net Neutrality Rant Wins?

The telecommunications giant is not happy about today’s FCC vote approving strict new regulations on internet providers. But the result is a couple of amusing press releases.

Paul J. Richards / Getty Images

In response, Verizon argued that the rules being applied were outdated relics from a previous communications era and would regulate the internet like the early telephone networks of the 1930s.

First, the morse code.

First, the morse code.

Verizon / Via

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

New York Daily News Owner Is Considering Selling The Paper

The owner told employees in a memo.

I want to share with you a new development regarding the company.

A few weeks ago, we were approached about our potential interest in

selling the Daily News. Although there were no immediate plans to

consider a sale, we thought it would be prudent to explore the

possibility and talk to potential buyers and/or investors. To help us

with the process, I have retained Lazard, a leading financial advisory


I have not come to this decision easily. But I believe the immense

hard work in turning the business around in an extremely challenging

period for the industry, has put the Daily News in as strong a

position than it has ever been, particularly online.

I appreciate that this news is difficult for you to digest. But I want

to reassure you that my aim throughout this process will be to do the

right thing for the business to ensure the Daily News and its

brilliant staff have the best opportunity to achieve all our future



SOURCE: BuzzFeed

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

"Ice Roads Truckers" Star Sentenced For Kidnapping And Threatening To Kill Prostitute

Timothy Zickuhr, who appears on the History channel’s IRT: Deadliest Roads, was sentenced Wednesday to five to 15 years in prison.

A History channel reality star was sentenced Wednesday to between five and 15 years in a Nevada prison for kidnapping and extortion, according to court records.

A History channel reality star was sentenced Wednesday to between five and 15 years in a Nevada prison for kidnapping and extortion, according to court records.

AP Photo/Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department

According to the criminal complaint and arrest report, a woman going by the name Snow White said she had gone back to Zickuhr's Las Vegas apartment to engage in prostitution. He gave her his ATM card to collect the cash he owed her.

The next day, police said he called her and accused her of owing him $1,000. In an email to the New York Daily News , the woman said she actually only stole $120 from Zickuhr, and she had attempted to pay him back $300.

She agreed to meet him, and he drove her to his apartment. Once inside, he punched her and threatened to kill her if she did not return the money, the complaint stated.

He then allegedly tied her up, doused her with cold water, and locked her in a closet while demanding the phone number of someone who could bring him the money, according to the complaint.

Instead, the woman gave Zickuhr the phone number of a police officer she had previously met. The officer was on patrol while Zickuhr called three times, demanding a meeting to return the money and threatening to kill the woman.

Neighbors started knocking on the door in response to the woman's screams, and other police officers were called to the apartment to check on the situation. Zickuhr forced the woman to jump out a window and flee to the arranged meeting spot, the complaint stated.

When officers arrived at the meeting spot near the Eureka Casino, Zickuhr again ran. Police followed, and he was taken into custody.

While talking to officers, Zickuhr said he had planned to keep the woman against her will and pimp her out on Craigslist to make the $1,000, according to the arrest report.

Zickuhr is also scheduled to be sentenced on an unrelated robbery next month, according to court records.

Zickuhr was featured in 13 episodes of the 2011 of IRT: Deadliest Roads. His biography on the show's website said, "Brimming with personality, this loudmouthed driver is out to prove he's not all bark and no bite."

In an interview with TMZ, Zickuhr said the woman was a friend who had taken advantage of him.

He complained the charges would ruin his career in Hollywood.

Zickuhr also talked about a previous arrest last summer with TMZ.

"I was plastered out of my mind," Zickuhr said.

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

JonBenet Ramsey Case Should Have Been Handled Differently, Ex-Police Chief Says

Mark Beckner, former chief of the Boulder, Colorado, police department, spoke candidly in a Reddit AMA about the investigation he led for years. He later said he did not realize he was speaking in a public forum.

Mark Beckner, the former police chief of Boulder, Colorado, discussed what he'd do differently in the investigation of the killing of 6-year-old beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey.

Mark Beckner, the former police chief of Boulder, Colorado, discussed what he'd do differently in the investigation of the killing of 6-year-old beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey.

Mark Beckner in 2013.

Ben Neary / AP

Beckner answered questions as part of a Reddit AMA, but later deleted them after he said he had not realized he was in a public forum.

Beckner answered questions as part of a Reddit AMA, but later deleted them after he said he had not realized he was in a public forum.

The Denver Post republished the thread, which originally took place Saturday.

Reddit / Via

In hindsight, Beckner said the crime scene was not properly handled because police were understaffed over the holidays.

In hindsight, Beckner said the crime scene was not properly handled because police were understaffed over the holidays.

JonBenet's mother, Patsy Ramsey, called 911 on Dec. 26, 1996, to report her daughter missing from the family's upscale home.

A ransom note claiming the girl had been kidnapped was also found, yet hours later, police found her body in the home's basement.

Reddit / Via

John and Patsy Ramsey should also have been questioned separately immediately during the investigation, he said.

John and Patsy Ramsey should also have been questioned separately immediately during the investigation, he said.

Reddit / Via

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

Leads Database: How To Build A Strong Customer Foundation

Leads Database: How To Build A Strong Customer Foundation:

The leads database should be acquired in order to know the right niche of customers. The database of leads has all the businesses and consumers contact information which is usually stored in a databank. The ease of use for all of this information unlocks the economical, fast and dependable direct response tools. Leads database is a large useful resource of contact leads that can be used for advertising campaigns.

Resources are the exploitable material of every company which will help them survive the demanding battle of survival amidst competitions. Contact information is the resources of telemarketing companies and the ease of communication with these contacts are the top priority. The first problem is that how this should be done well without expending too much time and money while the second one is that finding the right customers who are really interested in purchasing the advertised products and services.The database of leads should definitely be updated on a consistent basis since contact information may change on such short notice and, instead of an economical way of advertising and expecting results, the advertisements sent have gone to a dead end, and thus, the effort and money is utterly wasted.

The growing use of leads database is also linked to the growing use of the internet which makes it all the more easily to advertise products and services. Companies can promote their products to customers across the world with only one person to do it. Advertising in a different geographical location can be tedious and not at all free and the database of leads should house all the details within the targeted marketing niche in order to avoid exhausting resources on nothing. Leads database are a great investment and they have helped companies expound their business and discover their advantages and more contacts to do business with.

Since the database has already made itself reputable with its services, it is time that its use expanded. The b2b mailing leads database is another economical approach in advertising globally. Without too much costs, this means that advertising is done through the internet. Online marketing has become helpful and convenient to companies who are involved in import and export of their products and services. The database for b2b mailing leads is useful since it provides great advantages and new method of advertising over conventional ones.

Online advertising has introduced a gateway for companies to advertise products without the problem of geographical location. There are endless possibilities that are available over the internet, but sending out advertisements at random is not a good strategy at all. Email marketing list ensure the right contacts to get in touch with. In this way, companies can establish contacts from other companies at any point of the globe. The list for email marketing can help them expound their reach for resources.

#‎EMailLists‬ ‪#‎EMailMarketingServices‬ ‪#‎EMailDatabaseList‬ ‪#‎EmailListProvider‬ ‪#‎ContactDatabase‬ ‪#‎SalesLeadsDatabase‬ ‪#‎LeadGeneration‬

SOURCE: ContactDb

Morgan Stanley Reaches $2.6 Billion Settlement Over Mortgage-Backed Securities

The bank said it had reached a preliminary agreement with the Justice Department today.

Spencer Platt / Getty Images

Morgan Stanley, one of two remaining large independent investment banks, said today that it had reached a preliminary $2.6 billion settlement with the Justice Department over its dealings with mortgage-backed securities before the financial crisis.

The company said in a filing today that the civil division of the Justice Department and the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of California had intended to bring civil charges against the bank, and it has increased its reserves for legal losses by $2.8 billion. The bank said that while an agreement had been reached, "there can be no assurance that the Company and the Civil Division will agree on the final documentation of the settlement."

Because Morgan Stanley has yet to file its form 10-Q for the fourth quarter, the charge from the settlement actually will hit its net income for last year. When Morgan Stanley preliminarily announced its fourth quarter results, it said that it had set aside an spent $284 to deal with "legacy residential mortgage legal expenses." But the $2.8 billion it has set aside still outpaces the $2.6 billion payment its agreed to with the Justice Department.

While Morgan Stanley didn't say exactly how the money will be divvied up, there is a clue in looking at past settlements. When other big banks have settled civil claims over their marketing and sales of mortgage-backed securities, they tend to pay out to both the Justice Department and some states whose Attorneys General have pursued investigations of them. In the $7 billion settlement with Citigroup, for example, the bank paid a $4 billion civil penalty to the Justice Department and almost $300 million to five states.

In a regulatory filing in November, Morgan Stanley said that the Virginia Attorney General had filed a civil suit against it over sales of mortgage securities to the Virginia Retirement System, which administers pension plans for state employees, and Illinois's Attorney General had sent it a letter alleging that Morgan Stanley had "knowingly made misrepresentations related to RMBS" sold to pension funds affiliated with the state and demanded Morgan Stanley pay $88 million.

Morgan Stanley is the latest bank to shell out for a large settlement to resolve a Justice Department civil investigation of its pre-financial crisis creation and marketing of mortgage-backed securities. The bundles of home loans packaged into bonds and sold to investors were central to the financial meltdown and recession that followed. Bank of America paid $16.65 billion to settle with the Justice Department and other regulators, while JPMorgan Chase paid $13 billion.

The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this week that Goldman Sachs was "inching closer to resolving U.S. claims" that it had "misled investors in mortgage bonds that plummeted in value during the financial crisis."

Goldman said in a regulatory filing that it had raised its estimate for legal losses from $2.5 billion to $3 billion. Goldman said in the filing that the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of California had sent the bank a letter "stating in connection with potentially bringing a civil action that it had preliminarily concluded that the firm had violated federal law in connection with its underwriting, securitization and sale of residential mortgage-backed securities."

SOURCE: BuzzFeed

People On Twitter Are Imagining Science Fiction-Style Crimes And It's Fascinating

Radio show Science Friday asked its fans to come up with #crimeheadlinesfrom2025. Technology could make for some really weird criminals in the future.

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

New York's Financial Regulator Worries About An "Armageddon-Type" Cyberattack

Ben Lawsky said today that banks and the financial industry still hasn’t caught up to the threat posed by increasingly sophisticated teams of hackers.

Maxkabakov / Getty Images

New York's superintendant of financial services wants financial institutions to stop depending on their passwords, boost their cyber defenses and require more of their security providers. In a wide-ranging speech at Columbia University, Ben Lawsky also said banks aren't doing enough to monitor suspicious transactions, and defended his own aggressive role in going after wrongdoing at the banks he regulates.

He said state regulators "should not be afraid to speak up and act if we spot new risks emerging in the market" and should be willing to sometimes go further than federal regulators "if we think that current approaches to enforcement and prosecution are not effectively deterring wrongdoing on Wall Street."

Lawsky, a former federal prosecutor who has led New York's Department of Financial Services since it was created by governor Andrew Cuomo in 2011, has flung his regulatory muscle across the financial world. The DFS has extracted large settlements and fines from the international banks whose New York-chartered operations it oversees, like Standard Chartered and Credit Suisse, and insisted that the chief operating officer of France's BNP Paribas and the chairman of the large, Atlanta-based mortgage servicer Ocwen leave as part of regulatory settlements.

"Corporations are made up of people. If there is wrongdoing at a corporation, that wrongdoing was committed by people," Lawsky said. "But more and more often it feels like we are discussing a corporation's wrongdoing without detailing who exactly did what wrong."

The large settlements the Justice Department and regulators have reached with banks over their marketing and sales of mortgage backed securities have had eye-catching numbers attached to them — $16.65 billion for Bank of America, $13 billion for JPMorgan — but have not included charges against specific bank executives.

"In my opinion, if in any particular instance we cannot find someone, some person, to hold accountable, that just means we have stopped looking," Lawksy said.

Lawsky also proposed new preventative measures to stop banks from facilitating money-laundering, which has been a major focus of his enforcement efforts. In one of Lawsky's first major actions, he fined the British bank Standard Chartered $340 million after threatening to pull their charter to operate in New York over accusations that it had concealed billions of dollars of transactions with Iran in violations of American sanctions.

Mike Groll / AP

Lawsky said that DFS is "considering random audits of our regulated firms' transaction monitoring and filtering systems," to ensure that banks systems for catching illegal transactions are actually working.

When an independent monitor installed at Standard Chartered alerted DFS that the bank's monitoring systems weren't catching illegal transactions, DFS filitrered the transactions themselves and compared the results with Standard Chartered's. DFS fined Standard Chartered another $300 million last year for "failures to remediate anti-money laundering compliance problems" that it had identified in 2012.

"We believe there are likely widespread problems with transaction monitoring and filtering systems throughout the industry," Lawsky said.

He also called again for banks and financial institutions to be more vigilant about hacking and cyberattacks, saying that he was concerned about the potential for an "armageddon-type cyber event that causes a significant disruption in the financial system." While large banks tend to have sophisticated cyber defenses, the vendors they work with can provide a way in for hackers if they have weak defenses.

He said that DFS is thinking about mandating the banks it oversees "receive robust representations and warranties from third-party vendors that those vendors have critical cyber security protections in place."

He also said that the regulator was considering doing away with usernames and passwords as the primary method for bank employees to verify their identities. The New York Times reported in December that the massive theft of personal information from JPMorgan was possible because hackers stole a JPMorgan employee's credentials and one network server did not require two-factor authentication.

"That simple, extra step can actually prevent a significant amount of hacking. And it is something all firms should do," Lawsky said. "We are currently considering regulations that would mandate the use of multi-factor authentication for our financial institutions. We would be the first financial regulator to take this step."

Lawsky is far from alone in calling for an end to simple password-based security. In January a senior Obama administration official told reporters that "continuing to rely on simple usernames and passwords as the primary means to secure what we're doing in cyberspace is not all that effective."

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

London Firefighters Say Empty Nutella Jar Sparked House Fire

Sunlight refracted through the glass jar, which was sitting on a windowsill, the London Fire Brigade said. The fire severely damaged the home and killed the residents’ dog.

Investigators determined a severe house house fire in London earlier this month was caused by an empty Nutella jar sitting on a windowsill.

Investigators determined a severe house house fire in London earlier this month was caused by an empty Nutella jar sitting on a windowsill.

According to the London Fire Brigade, sunlight refracted through the glass jar, which was being reused to hold loom bands. The resulting heat set the window's blinds on fire, then spread.

London Fire Brigade / Via Twitter: @londonfire

Flames destroyed the bedroom and also damaged the roof.

Flames destroyed the bedroom and also damaged the roof.

The family was not home at the time of the fire, officials said, but their dog died in the blaze.

London Fire Brigade / Via Twitter: @LondonFire

SOURCE: BuzzFeed

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Online Marketing Success Through Email Marketing Services

Online Marketing Success Through Email Marketing Services:

When a company is interested in effective and economic ways of advertising their products and services, engaging in email marketing services is the way since it helps bringing more customers into a company’s website and establishes interminable relationships with them which can help to enhance sales. Email marketing services should also be upgraded in order to attain statistics that can be useful for the company’s marketing campaign.

Results should include all the data of the people who have visited the company’s website, trends and behaviors. Email marketing services were created as a method to help companies that are in need of a prosperous promotional line of attack. The use of services for email marketing should be able to improve a company’s publicity and degree of success in online marketing. Creating attractive and charming emails to clients is one of the numerous features in email marketing services. Other features also include tools that can filter contact lists in order to target the right niche of buyers, programmed promotions, reporting tools and a complete solution for overall integration.

There are lots of ways in which a company can take in order to create their own plans for online marketing success and there is no better way than with email marketing. Numerous companies have attempted to undertake the task of searching for the right degree of success, but were unable to do so due to lack of the right marketing tools that are needed to create a highly efficient email marketing campaign. Enlisting email marketing services provides an amazing degree of success through customized emails that can capture the interest of customers and encourages them to find out what the company has to offer and if they can really answer to their needs. Captivating customization of emails is a creative way of catching the attention of customers and a way to generate income for a company.

Once a company has established their website and is sending out customized emails, it is now time for an email marketing list to get into the limelight for the next topic that needs to be tackled is to where the next email would be sent. When a prospect visits a company’s website, the goal is to get that prospect to subscribe to their opt-in email marketing list. This is the beginning of what we call list building. Building your own email list helps you in acquiring more prospects to send your emails and thus means more potential lead generated as well as sales.

#‎EMailLists‬ ‪#‎EMailMarketingServices‬ ‪#‎EMailDatabaseList‬ ‪#‎EmailListProvider‬ ‪#‎ContactDatabase‬ ‪#‎SalesLeadsDatabase‬ ‪#‎LeadGeneration‬

SOURCE: ContactDb

European Rabbis Train In Self-Defense, First Aid After Attacks

The training of dozens of rabbis was organized by the European Jewish Association at an annual conference in response to recent attacks in Copenhagen and Paris.

Several dozen rabbis in Europe took part in self defense and first aid training Tuesday prompted by concerns of rising violence and anti-Semitism in the region.

Several dozen rabbis in Europe took part in self defense and first aid training Tuesday prompted by concerns of rising violence and anti-Semitism in the region.

Petr David Josek / AP

The training was part of an annual conference organized by the European Jewish Association and held this year in Prague.

The training was part of an annual conference organized by the European Jewish Association and held this year in Prague.

Petr David Josek / AP

Rabbi Menachem Margolin, general director of the association, said the training was planned in response to the recent attacks in Copenhagen and Paris.

Rabbi Menachem Margolin, general director of the association, said the training was planned in response to the recent attacks in Copenhagen and Paris.

In a statement, he called for more action by government officials to increase security around synagogues and other Jewish institutions.

"We call on European Governments, as well as EU institutions, to heed our calls for the establishment of a Pan -European task force in order to increase security around Jewish institutions and enhance education against the rampant anti-Semitism," he said.

Petr David Josek / AP

As part of the training, the rabbis were given knives to practice fending off an attack, the Associated Press reported.

As part of the training, the rabbis were given knives to practice fending off an attack, the Associated Press reported.

Petr David Josek / AP

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

Monday, February 23, 2015

Mom Arrested After Bruised Daughter Sent To School In Humiliating Shirt

Melany Joyce Alexander, 31, was arrested Friday in Florida on suspicion of child abuse after authorities said she beat her daughter with a belt.

A Florida woman was arrested Friday after authorities said she sent her daughter to school with bruises and a shirt shaming her for bad grades, NBC News reported.

A Florida woman was arrested Friday after authorities said she sent her daughter to school with bruises and a shirt shaming her for bad grades, NBC News reported.

Hernando County Sheriff's Office

Melany Joyce Alexander was accused of child abuse after Hernando County Sheriff's deputies responded to West Hernando Middle School.

According to the arrest report, the girl said she was hit multiple times with a belt, Bay News 9 reported. The Department of Children and Families said the bruising was excessive.

A handwritten message on the girl's shirt also recounted why she was being punished.

A handwritten message on the girl's shirt also recounted why she was being punished.

Hernando County Sheriff's Office / Via NBC News

"My name is ... I currently have all F's in all of my classes. I am not aloud to have a boyfriend no time soon. SO back off before I get another good woopin like I got las night. Also I can no longer have any friends until all of my F's are all brought up to C's and Up!!!"

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

Rescuers Are Working To Free 15 Manatees Stuck In a Florida Drainage Pipe

Developing: Wildlife experts in Florida believe the manatees entered the pipe in search of fresh water.

By 8:35 p.m. ET, six manatees had been rescued from the drain in a residential neighborhood of Satellite Beach.

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

Devising Marketing Strategies with a Mailing List Provider

Devising Marketing Strategies with a Mailing List Provider:

The ancient Chinese military general Sun Tzu was well known for his military strategies that are used up until now by numerous military generals, both in Asia and in the Western world. Like a general, a company needs to be strategic with their own marketing campaigns to increase chances of success. Success, after all, means more revenue and potential business growth.

In contrast to advertising through television, radio, internet, newspapers and magazines, a mailing list is one of the most economical methods of advertising. Companies who plan their marketing campaigns well have higher chances of increasing their sales revenues.

Enlisting the aid of the right mailing list provider can provide fresh business data for for any company and can help with their lead generation campaign. Aside from the best and freshest data, a mailing list provider makes sure to perform consistent updates to their lists and database that generate new prospects. A provider of mailing lists can also bestow another advantage in terms of direct marketing since close rates are higher.

When business contacts are narrowed down, there is less of a hassle of having to scour through records just to look for the right contacts to send out advertisements to; a mailing list provider can provide a database that has no redundant data in order to avoid errors.

The mailing list provider may provide the right niche for the company to reach out to and yet there is another strategy used in order to gain advantage against competitors and that is to use a business mailing list. A mailing list of business contacts can increase sales leads acquisition and this is also important for creating loyal customers. The gist of these lists is to raise awareness among customers and prospects about the product and services the company is offering. Being aware, the company can generate greater sales and increase their shares in the market.

Internet marketing usually employs the use of an email marketing list and this is known to make money effectively. However, for this tool to be a success as part of a marketing strategy, a company must be knowledgeable about the their list for email marketing and receive feedback from customers and prospects in order to acquire new data in order to devise new marketing strategies in the future.

#‎EMailLists‬ ‪#‎EMailMarketingServices‬ ‪#‎EMailDatabaseList‬ ‪#‎EmailListProvider‬ ‪#‎ContactDatabase‬ ‪#‎SalesLeadsDatabase‬ ‪#‎LeadGeneration‬

SOURCE: ContactDb

More Than 100 Political Dissidents Arrested In Cuba

The arrests took place Sunday, when activists traditionally march through Havana following Mass.

Women with the dissident Ladies in White group march after a church service on March 25, 2012 in Havana, Cuba.

Joe Raedle / Getty Images

Many of the arrests took place at a weekly march in Havana, a member of the dissident group Ladies in White told the AP. The head of a human rights group in Cuba said that around the country, arrests numbered between 150 and 200.

It's clear there is zero intent on behalf of the Castro dictatorship to engage in a genuine conversation that centers around bringing freedom to the island's residents...

As the U.S. negotiators come face-to-face with Cuba's negotiators later this week, the administration must insist that any future negotiations place democracy, human rights, free expression and the free will of the Cuban people to choose their own leaders through multi-party elections as the highest priority before any more concessions are made to the regime.

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

94-Year-Old Man Who Worked At Nazi Death Camp Charged With 3,681 Crimes

German prosecutors on Monday charged the man, who they said was an accessory to thousands of murders. He worked as a military medic in the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Laszlo Balogh / Reuters

The Associated Press reported the man, identified officially only as a former SS sergeant because of privacy laws, is accused of contributing to the function of the camp by serving as a medic in an SS hospital. His lawyer told Bild newspaper there was no evidence the man had committed any "concrete" criminal acts.

Bild identified the man as Hubert Z. He was one of 30 people suspected of working in Auschwitz that German investigators recommended for prosecution. Since 2011, German law has allowed prosecutors to seek charges against former Nazis for contributing to war crimes; previously, authorities had to present evidence of a specific crime against a specific victim.

More than 1 million people were killed at Auschwitz before its liberation on Jan. 27, 1945, now marked as a day of remembrance for Holocaust victims.

LINK: Holocaust Memorials Around The World

SOURCE: BuzzFeed

Hair, Makeup, Yoda: An Oscars-Night Tribute From The Wife Of Disney's CEO

Make franchise blockbusters or do not make franchise blockbusters, there is no try. And Willow Bay, wife of Bob Iger, gave a fitting tribute last night to what really makes Hollywood tick.

Walt Disney Studios

But that didn't stop Disney CEO Bob Iger and his wife, Willow Bay, from showing up to the industry's biggest night.

But that didn't stop Disney CEO Bob Iger and his wife, Willow Bay, from showing up to the industry's biggest night.

Mark Ralston / Getty Images

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

Sunday, February 22, 2015

At Least 66 People Dead In Bangladesh After Ferry Sinks

The ferry collided with another boat in Bangladesh’s central river on Sunday. By early Monday, 50 people had been rescued and crews were searching for more survivors.

A ferry carrying about 150 people crashed into another boat in Bangladesh on Sunday, leaving at least 66 people dead, Reuters reported.

A ferry carrying about 150 people crashed into another boat in Bangladesh on Sunday, leaving at least 66 people dead, Reuters reported.

Munir Uz Zaman / Getty Images

By Monday morning local time, 50 people had been rescued or swam to safety, and crews were looking for other survivors, Reuters reported. The ferry sunk after the collision, and crews were also still examining the wreckage.

Many of the victims were women and children, authorities told Reuters. The captain of the ship that struck the ferry as well as two crew members have been arrested.

Many of the victims were women and children, authorities told Reuters. The captain of the ship that struck the ferry as well as two crew members have been arrested.

Munir Uz Zaman / Getty Images

The deadly crash took place northwest of Dhaka on the Padma River, not far from the ferry terminal, the Daily Star reported.

The deadly crash took place northwest of Dhaka on the Padma River, not far from the ferry terminal, the Daily Star reported.

Authorities were still working to identify many of the dead and missing.

A.M. Ahad / AP

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

11 Beautiful Bird's-Eye View Pictures Of New York Freezing Its Butt Off

So this is what God must see as he looks down at us, laughing.

It snowed in New York City on Saturday. Again.

It snowed in New York City on Saturday. Again.


Several inches fell across the city amid strong winds and temperatures so cold people questioned why the East Coast was ever settled... but at least it looked charming from above.

Several inches fell across the city amid strong winds and temperatures so cold people questioned why the East Coast was ever settled... but at least it looked charming from above.


Just be glad you're not this pizza delivery guy who had to heroically feed all those people too smart to leave their apartments.

Just be glad you're not this pizza delivery guy who had to heroically feed all those people too smart to leave their apartments.


Sure, this is pretty and all, but can we just agree that this will be the last snowfall of the season? K, Mother Nature?

Sure, this is pretty and all, but can we just agree that this will be the last snowfall of the season? K, Mother Nature?


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SOURCE: BuzzFeed

Turkey Evacuates Historic Tomb In Syria As ISIS Fighters Approach

The tomb of Suleyman Shah, who died in 1236, is a symbol of national pride. Though located in Syria, it has long been under control of Turkey with an honor guard of Turkish soldiers.

The Turkish government evacuated soldiers and ancestral relics from a historic tomb inside Syria on Saturday amid fears advancing ISIS fighters will attack the site.

The Turkish government evacuated soldiers and ancestral relics from a historic tomb inside Syria on Saturday amid fears advancing ISIS fighters will attack the site.


The tomb of Suleyman Shah, who was the grandfather of the founder of the Ottoman Empire, is a symbol of Turkish national pride.

Although it is located across the border in Syria, it's long been under Turkish control.

ISIS has previously threatened to destroy the historic site, and as fighters have surrounded the area, the tomb's 38 Turkish guards have been put in increasing risk.

ISIS has previously threatened to destroy the historic site, and as fighters have surrounded the area, the tomb's 38 Turkish guards have been put in increasing risk.

Getty Images

On Saturday night, a Turkish convoy of 9 tanks and 57 armored vehicles — as well as several hundred soldiers — entered Kobani, Syria, the BBC reported. They removed the remains of Shah, evacuated the Turkish guards, and destroyed the mausoleum.

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SOURCE: BuzzFeed